Saturday, August 4, 2012

Introduction System

Introduction System
There are number of terms that are associated with building information system. These are data and information.
Data  are raw facts and figures that are set of isolated, unrelated and un-related. Data can be collected from various sources obtained through interview, questionnaire, on-site observation, counting, measuring, weighing, sampling etc. data by them self are useless until it is processed or transformed into information that can be used for decision making. A simple example of data is the class attendance at a school. Here, we records the number of students, and number of the students of the class.
Information is a set of organized, validated, corrected and collected data. Information is the processed data into a form that is meaningful to the recipients so that decision maker may take necessary actions. Information has to be shaped into a form that is meaningful  and useful to human beings. It will be noted that the users are involved in the transformation of into information. There is a process of thought and understanding involved before the message can be understood. One of the example of information is “Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal”
Definition of Information System
Information system is interrelated components working together to collect data, process it, gives output and store using the resources of hardware, software, people, procedure and control mechanism that helps to support decision making, co-ordination, control, analysis and visualization in an organization. The aim of an information system  is to provide detailed information on a timely basis throughout throughout the organization so that the top management can take proper action and effective decision
The system in which data is converted to information and that information is to the people in an organization is called information system. So data are the major raw material in information system. The information system that uses the computer is called computer based information system (CBIS). A CBIS is an organized integration of software and hardware technologies.